60 year old man dating 20 year old
Dating > 60 year old man dating 20 year old
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Dating > 60 year old man dating 20 year old
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When we first got together it was like he couldnt keep an erection. An older woman who is through childbearing with a younger man who. You sound like a great guy! I think the attraction to 20 year olds is in large part biological.
So when I realized one week that I could either date a woman 16 years older than me that week, or not date at all that week, I decided to make a pass at the older woman. I si hope you can understand that all women are not the same. There is nothing wrong with looking for the best fit and attractive guys but with age the odds are getting drastically smaller for you. The chemistry was great but his temper and control issues were intolerable. I have social so many beautiful, interesting, and intellectual women in their fifties and sixties who I really admire and aspire to emulate. The peak in attractiveness varies between men, but it generally falls somewhere between 25-33 but mostly the late 20s. It just appears that there are less of us for. I will need to develop feelings for you. I hope you find what you are looking for. All of these women want a man who is at least equal in these categories. Also, you seem to ignore the premise that Lance set forth, upon which I met my comment. There is a stigma attached to that.
If you are a woman looking for a LTR you have to pick the best long-term prospect, not the most attractive. At the time, the 12 years was a non-issue. From a man I expect a little chivalry and a lot of respect.
Dating in your 50’s – Easy for Men… Not so much for Women! - Brilliant and I can relate so much to you. I have been in situations where I could see the line blurring but that is where it stopped.
I love big data. Christian Rudder, president of OkCupid, is the guy who digs up the numbers from the millions of people using his free dating site. Data reveals truths that we might not want to say out loud. In about Rudder, the author recounts a presentation Rudder gave with graphs that illustrate the ages at which men and women find each other the most attractive. Of course, when you flip the data around and look at what age men find women most physically appealing, you get an appalling answer. Instead of the female curve, which suggests that 34-year-old women like 34-year-old men, men find 20 year-old women most physically appealing, no matter how old they were. To tell men NOT to feel this way would be akin to telling them not to breathe. The one problem with big data is that it removes the human element — and dating is very much about human connection. Your thoughts, below, are appreciated. I think the attraction to 20 year olds is in large part biological. Men are attracted to women who are at their most fertile. I once read that the reason blond women are perceived as most attractive by scores of men is that blonds have a slightly higher estrogen level than women with other hair colors. A similar concept and again, partly biological. And also about the old men looking at 20 year old women. The 20-somethings you dated either wanted your money or have a daddy fetish, but you and all men would be wise to listen to the words that women are telling you. When we were 20 years old we were absolutely DISGUSTED by 50 year old men. Now, why would you want to keep chasing after women who want to hurl up their lunch at the thought of sex with you. They might just like the sex. You can vomit up your lunch and guess what? They get on with their lives. I am 29 and work retail. Were it not for social norms being imposed top down by older women on younger women I suspect as a way for older women to try and keep the higher value older men as mating partners for themselves , I suspect most younger would date older men. They are flirting with you because your age makes you safe. I can almost bet they have no intention of following through. If a hot guy their own age comes into the store, they are probably so intimidated, they become mute. Some, yes, but not most. At 29 you are a young man and still in your own peak physical beauty years. When you hit 49, check and see if sweet young teenage girls still flirt with you. Especially when women are younger, they like to practice their skills on men they consider safe. Like men, women do what they want to do. But the vast majority of older men do NOT look like Bradley Cooper. The only girl I know of that dated a much older man was a total social reject in our age cohort. There are just as many 19 year old girls looking for older men as there are 19 year old boys wanting older women. I dont know how many 19 year olds go for 50 year old men and its not huge but I have heard of enough of them that it isnt a fluke. Maybe as high as 15% if they got into an early relationship where they were hurt and realized the guy was immature. Also depends on what you look like at 50, how fit you are, if you are set in your ways. Being in an real relationship is way more than about looks. No normal young girl wants to marry her dad. And I remember having a BMI of 21 and feeling like I was too fat for my husband. The fat feeling came from the shape of my body. I looked like Scarlet Johhansen. More like Kim K. I cannot pass as a 20 year old in my face any longer. So, I get hit on but not stalked. But, each time I meet a stranger I am consistently assumed to be about 30. Even though I am married, I think this is the most awesome cultural shift ever. Men throughout history have attempted to tell women over 30 they are worthless because they allegedly no longer have that youthful glow. Often 40 year old men will avoid 40 year old women because they believe they have diminished value. I would tell all older women to go for a much younger man. After all, we have reached our sexual peak around 40 and beyond and the only man who can keep up is one under 40. My best friend had the most terrible time dating men around 40. She is 44 and thin, blond, and gorgeous. But the men her age were looking to 25 year olds. Finally she decided to accept a date from a man turning 30. Eight months later, they are engaged. But he found everything in her. He is CRAZY about her. So all the single ladies over 40, open your mind to younger men. You might just have your mind blown in a good way. This is a polls of fantasy on dating sites based on men viewing too much. Get out, find mutual interests, hit golf balls or join a club, a car club, your alumni anything. Okcupid is a vulgar unsexy hook up site for so many fake catfish and far too many losers who just wanted to write about fake lives. It was shocking and oriented to porno sex I think this utterly depends on the woman. Any 20 yr old girl with a so so figure can look ready for a romp. I keep waiting for this myth to enter my life. I think well very kept elegant, good skin, genes, keep your figure, and manintain mystery. When I this idealized drop dead gorgeous brunette 20 year old mentioned here, not bad looking 43 year old very wealthy, well dressed and successful lawyer I knew just grabbed me out of the blue, and kissed me at a party. I actually threw up a bit in my mouth. He seemed nice ancient to me, a dad, and it repulsed me. I think this is a male fantasy. He was a sexy and sweet guy. I was blonde, it made zero difference. Elegant, mysterious, Unless the woman is a desperate for money. Infact, confidence and aging well is powerful. As before, men of all ages pay attention to me. I see many men 20, 30,40+ beyond who let themselves go and sexy 50 somethings. Most of middle aged men or elderly men are not sexy are hardly Brad Pitt. Who wants to die alone or with someone who hates you and only stays for RARE rich guy? You really think young woman like the older nasty pervert Hefner? My GF from another part of the world is 20 years old. And studying to be a doctor. We have a lot in common. I think to myself, why would I want to have a relationship with a 12 year old that inhabits the body of a 30 year old. Just because American women have been brainwashed into being no-fun prudes, does not mean the rest of the world has this affliction. Generally 40 plus men who chase 20 year old girls fall into 3 categories: 1. Losers who have few or none of the qualities women not girls want, 2. Companions to girls with daddy issues, 3. There are always exceptions of course. But this is was my experience as a 20 y. This is why we roll our eyes when we read this drivel. Pray to the almighty lord you look as good as some of those men you speak of. Most women are worn out by 40. Actually, men are wising up and living longer. There is no rush to divorce and losing half our crap when they can still bang girls your age and older. Chance of losing it all to a divorce. Payed off house or close. Only worry is what beach to go to this weekend. Well, women too, I guess, but that is a result of men not wanting to take on a whining, outspoker, economic marriage driven, kitchen inept, lazy slob who is entitled. MGTOW and living the dream. Which is why 96% of people get married before they die. And 65% of men are willing to remarry again after a divorce compared with 49% of women. I know a 52 year old guy currently salivating over and chasing down a 19 year old girl someone I work with. From what I know of this guy he is a loser in most respects -spotty work history ,divorced, no kids, no house, etc. In other words a successful 35 — 45 year old woman more in his age range would kick him to the curb. He thinks flashing a gold bracelet in front of this person will get him a roll in the sack. Those 3 reasons mentioned are the main ones a much older guy and girl will hook up. I had plenty of women my age who wanted to date me but most of them had emotional baggage or they were just in bad physical shape. Also I noticed that the older women used to get really mad that I was dating younger women. I am now 46 and I literally just broke up with my 30 year old girlfriend who is absolutely crazy about me and wanted sex all the time. All three of your points are things you wish were true but have nothing to do with reality. All of these articles are written to get women worked up anyway. They are essentially marketing ploys. I can only guess your opinion developed on the bases of the power of attraction. Dating a 50 something would be like dating my grandpa, saggy skin, grey whiskers, set in their ways, glasses, newspaper and coffee is all I saw. Glad you found someone but honey, we are not prudes, you just give off the wrong vibes. Corrupted may be a better word. A man with much life experience and self control can be very attractive to a younger woman. A younger woman from a different culture with the right values and spirituality. It left this place along time ago. Men mostly write to the top 20% of women. If you feel it, then own it! It is sad, because men cannot keep up with women their own age maintaining a hard one, premature ejaculation, long refractory period. Men are pathetic idiots. And the medical industry milks it for everything it is worth. You look ridiculous chasing after women who either want you because they have a daddy complex or want you for your money. They are not in it for the great sex. Trust me, your wives are acutely aware of this fact too. Hell, some guys drop dead of heart attacks at that age. Some guys get stressed out from work. All that proves what, exactly? You just might want to get a second objective opinion on that. In all honesty, I feel for men having existential midlife crises. I become unsympathetic when men my age and older demean women their own age because they are in denial of their situation. Why is it ok for men to demean us, but when we dish it out we are chided, as if our reaction is unprovoked? I respect your critique of my comment, but please know that it is directed more at the assholes at the country club you mention than to my in general. If I demeaned black men as being murderous junkies, people would rightfully call me a racist. If I tried to justify my remarks by claiming I was provoked two black men who were junkies did murder my grandparents , people would still rightfully claim that I was a racist. Out of the approximately 13,304,000 black men in the U. The vast majority have never killed anyone. Given that your post 1. If you want to respond to the sexist men who provoked you, demean those men specifically. You meant it as a joke … and men made you do it. That sounds exactly like the weak excuses that sexist men make to defend their offenses. No, people dont seem to understand that your body ages, not your mind with the exception of memory and reflexes. I assure you, it has nothing to do with worrying about getting old. Not to say that older women are not beautiful as well, many are. I painted eighteen buildings last year in nine months, by myself. Women my whole life have told me that I am very good looking. I get hit on by women of all ages all the time. The comments regarding older men not being desired by young women make no sense. Just tell them what they want to ear. Could you imagine making long sweet love to a young Jessica Alba? Do want a kid to continue your virtual legacy without the hassle of dealing with modern dangerous women that can take your kids with a swipe of her fingers? Why not wait for those artificial wombs? The data address what men find attractive, not whom we date, or whom we want to date. Some men in their forties have dated or are dating women in their twenties. I know a man in his 50s who is currently dating a woman in her 20s. He dates women of all ages, not just those substantially younger than him. At least not for a long-term relationship. If you showed me 1,000 women, and had me judge them solely on their physical attractiveness, then sorted the women into groups by age, the group with the best average score would be somewhere in their 20s. On an individual basis, some of the women in their 40s will be more attractive than some of the women in their 20s. But when looking at large averages, the women in their early 20s will be the most attractive group. But the way Rudder presented his data was misleading. He displayed his data in a way that hid how weak the correlation was. Getting back to my earlier example of the man in his 50s dating a woman in her 20s. Everyone dates people that they find sufficiently attractive. Only idiots prioritize attractiveness over everything else. I married an older woman because my relationship with her was the best relationship I ever had. Her attractiveness while a nice bonus was less important. Her age was less important than that. What percentage of men actually take personality and compatibility into account, and what percentage of men are distracted by the pleasant window-dressing and the ego boost of a big age gap? Thank you for posting this beautiful comment. Older women have so much to offer to everyone, far beyond sex. This world might even be a lot healthier if we would stop discounting them. I have known so many beautiful, interesting, and intellectual women in their fifties and sixties who I really admire and aspire to emulate. Young women DO actually get old one day, unless they die before sorry to be so blunt. There is no reason on earth why an older woman should not be attractive to a man in a reasonable age group close to her own -as long as she has what he is looking for and vice versa. I have personally witnessed a truly beautiful woman at least physically being ignored by men of her own age group because of her rather unpleasant personality and an unhealthy obsession with her looks. Certainly grooming is important but having a fun evening with someone is even better and it works for both sexes. I think dating a 20 sometthing while in your 50s is odd. I certainly did not want to hang out much less date someone older than 28 when I was in my 20s. I love looking at young, strong men today. But the thing that gets me riled up is when these guys who get a date with these young girls think that they are something special and think they are young again. I wonder how many relationships with that much age difference really last. I should add that I have generally not pursued women in this age range aside from a single exception. In general, I find myself becoming friends with these women and they eventually pursue me. Or maybe I was just too dumb enough to recognize when to throw in the towel and do something else for a career. No pressure there, right? Anyhow, I digress… To seek out a 40+ woman, is an ok-but-not-great idea, dictated by the statistics that a women over 40 have problems conceiving as well as greater probabilities that the child will be born with genetic defects. Women are superficial too. I am with a much older man, but I have affairs with beautiful men 20 years younger than me. I am attractive, I am fitter than most 20 somethings at the gym. I am smart, funny, and I have heard no complaints from the younger men I am with. I urge every older woman out there to give one a try. I was repulsed by him, even though he was physically beautiful, BECAUSE I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE! I am a 32 year old woman and even though I am married I, once in a while, fall a little bit in love with other men because I am human. Some of them are smart, some of them make me laugh, some have money, some are poor…some are very very plain. I have never done anything about this offcourse and these crushes always fade away. I have never figured out what made me attracted to those men, but it just happens…its some kind of an invisible chemistry. I was suddenly very attracted to this man…. If someone would show me pictures of a 100 men, all ages, I would probably also find the younger ones more attractive on avarege…and the men looking like my latest crush…well I probably wouldnt even notice them. But in real life, I never fall for these young, beautiful men…. But then I suddenly want to jump on some 40 year old average joe. Beauty is only a small part of the overall attraction. Of course, to a man, a younger woman is more attractive. And we also know younger men are, physically, more attractive than older men. This reminds me of another study done that I believe I read here. Where men judged women online profiles on a bell curve as it should be. While women rated something like 80% of men as unattractive. But I did go back and read the article. Joe, you are right. It was an okcupid analysis. If physical attraction is high on mens list that seems logical to me. Or are you saying men are bad for having different priorities? I agree that I only pointed out one thing about an article that covered more even more than what you added btw. But the point and topic was about rating attractiveness. Which I thought I stuck to. Not sure I agree with everything but in general it makes sense. Men prioritize physical beauty and that obviously declines with age. Although I think that just means men are less likely to date older women or women their own age as they get older and if given the option to date younger. My own experience is both men and women find their own in their 30s. But the ones that I know that have been attractive in their 30s go on being attractive well into their 40, 50 on. Again, this is just my experience. Back to that article. Women prioritize attributes that happen to increase with age. And it seems tied to stability and ability to provide. It would open up a much larger dating pool. Pretty much everyone, not just the true beauties, look decent at 20. He left his 33 year old wife for my friend then about 23. Naturally, she grew older. It happens to everyone. However, in his mind, he was still chasing that sweet young thing. Of course, he left her for another 20-something year old after about 7 seven years together. He likes them young, thin and cute. Her lifestyle and genetics have already set the course. You, your old male friends, ect, are far too hung up on looks and how women look. All of you sound lost and superficial. If you are a woman looking for a LTR you have to pick the best long-term prospect, not the most attractive. A man wearing an obviously expensive, discreet, well-made suit who blends in a midtown NYC crowd is 1000 times more attractive to me than a cute lifeguard with a six pack, or a musician in tight jeans. High risk cheaters, high spenders prospects get an immediate pass. There is an extremely high cost of sex to women — pregnancy, STDs, emotional attachment, we have to be very deliberate when we pick ppl we sleep with. So we have to weigh these issues when selecting a potential mate. What year is it, 1940? So no, there is no way older men are more attractive then younger men. No way on earth. Those traits you mentioned like confidence are alright. Looks and money are 2 different things. A complete turn off. If a woman finds herself attracted to certain abstract qualities confidence, success, whatever and has learned to associate that with older men, I find it entirely plausible that she might subjectively find a photograph of an older man more attractive even though she has no way of knowing that he actually has those abstract traits. Men who are fit and take care of themselves, tend to become more attractive to women as they get older. The reverse is not true. Physically speaking, women in their sexual prime have always been the most attractive to men. These ages are from 17-24. The same ages in regards to ones sexual prime are true of men as well. But most women, even of these age groups are not attracted to what today is more of a boy than a man. Frequently unable to bring very much to the table other than his youth and lack of experience. Men may always be attracted to 20-somethings, regardless of their age. However, women are consistently attracted to their peers not old dudes! Evan has written about this before. A 48 year old man may lust for a 26 year old, but the 26 year old wants a man within a few years of her own age just as a 50 year old woman wants a man within a few years of her own age. Men are wired one way, women are wired another. Sorry to burst your bubble, bro. No matter what a man looks like at 50, he will have looked 100% better at age 30 — guaranteed. The idea that women somehow prefer much older men is horse shit from MRA sites. Most young women would take a dreamy, young 30 year old doctor over a 50 year old George Clooney. We want men who are young, strong, and fit enough to protect us and our kids, and cool enough to still be able to relate to our kids not some geezer. Not sure if this is true for all women but I suspect that it is for the majority. I have had discussions somewhere along the lines of this one with my husband many times. I have great difficulty in separating physical attractiveness from potential personality. I say potential because when looking at photos of strangers, I can only guess at their personalities. I realize that this makes no sense at all and I can definitely appreciate beauty for what it is which one is truly better looking vs. Nevertheless, it takes more effort for me to only consider features and bodies and to ignore other cues, even in photos of strangers where the backgrounds and poses can be misleading, saying nothing about the personality. Like you, my husband is always amazed and wonders whether I am telling the truth and how there could possibly be any doubt about which one is more attractive. Over time, I have learned to tune out the other bits and fairly evaluate which one is truly better looking though that does not translate directly into attractiveness for me. What tilts 20yos in his favor would be his stupidly spending money to keep her happy and buying her stuff. And if he can afford it and is ok with being a sugar daddy, they both get what they want. But that girl is going to cheat on him or dump him eventually. But then he can go on to spend his money on the next young thing. The average 40-year-old man, on the other hand, cannot. Older men, say 50, are never hot! A 50-year-old man is not very sexually attractive to women. Relationships between middle-aged men and women should not and cannot be based on sex! It makes me sad to hear that middle-aged couples divorce because their sex life is not very active or exciting. Who really thinks we can retain a high degree of arousal for a spouse who is more than 50 years old after decades of marriage? Why are modern people so stupidly unrealistic? MOST men in online dating do not rate as hot, never mind, really hot. Have to burst his bubble. Even if the guy has abs of steel. If he has a ZZ Top face. Guy has close up of his abs. Face only a mother could love. And maybe not even then. And I guess women over 40 should just shrivel up and die? This right here is why women get annoyed. Not because 40 + men are attracted to younger women. The peak in attractiveness varies between men, but it generally falls somewhere between 25-33 but mostly the late 20s. For the rest of us, personality, compatibility, and love are equally weighted with finances and looks. And I fell madly in love with a short guy, only 2 inches taller than myself. I feel kinda bad for u that u think humans are so unevolved. People sometimes value and choose partners who may have a conventionally-less-desirable quality because we see that the person is simply wonderful overall. I just turned 50 and have let some very good relationships go because of what my social up bringing told me was the right thing to do. Women are attracted to men in their peer group and as women age they find men their own age attractive. Most young women are not attracted to creepy, old dudes. When I was 25, my range was even more limited — I was willing to date guys up to 29. When you were in your early 20s 20-24 I can understan completely. So if you started dating a 29 year guy 3 months before his 30th birthday, what would you have done when he turned 30? Everybody has a right to have their peronal age range to date somebody, to each there own. This is all based on YOUR opinion. Your not speaking for the majority. Your just leaving one numerical decade of your life and going into another. The 20s are not some exclusive club you join for ten years and everything else is forbidding. Once your past 26 your in the shadow of your 30s. As you said, everybody is entitled to their own age preferences. Most people do not date or marry with huge age gaps, anecdotally or statistically! That is a fact — check with US marriage statistics. The majority of couples are within 4 years of each other. The way you were putting it men in their 30s are some disgusting , hideous, sub-humans that should be killed. I just turned 30 and dating a girl who is 26, we started dating three years ago when I was 27 and she was 23. But I know a lot of women, some of whom are in my family that are in pretty large age gape relationships and a few even married. Do a survey on these people and the numbers will be different. Stop believing all those myths and read some real science. I know plenty of women who had babies in their 40s. Yes, it starts to mutate more and more as they age and can lead to having autistic babies. Sorry, not sorry to rain on your parade bye. If she has one at 23, she is fertile into her 40s like my grandmother who had a surprise 8th kid at 42, long before there were any advancements in medicine. I met a boy, he was 2 years older than me, very short and kind of strange looking. He was very confident and would not give up…he showed up everywhere I was and I got to know him. He made me laugh and suddenly I became very attracted to him. We started dating and became a couple. I have never been in love like that again, and never been as attracted to anyone as I was to him. He was very short shorter than me and I am petite , strange looking and not sucessful at all…. I genuinely feel bad for the men and women who feel no connection with potential mates in their own age group and cannot understand that no, they do not actually look as young as they feel. I remember feeling the same way you do, vividly. I pass as 17 and people keep thinking my bf 33 dating a teenager. All of this really depresses me as well because men nowadays think women are disposable and a lot of these younger, trashy women out here lust after men. What happened to real love?? Longterm relationships, serious commitments that one day you two will get married and have a life together…?? Also, even though they are not financially set for life— ALSO AS A SIDENOTE- in NYC, men as young as 25 are owning tech startups, and the ones around 29 are already owning properties, travelling everywhere, etc. Gone are the days, at least in NY I think, where you need an older man to secure yourself financially as a woman. My conclusion is that people over 40 and especially 50 should search for a good life-long friendship with a partner. It is not settling. It is simply the only practical solution to the problem of human solitude. Ideally I might be most attracted to men who look like Brad Pitt, but I rarely want to date men that hot IRL…and at the end of the day, the human connection and who you have most in common with assuming the woman is attractive to you no matter her age wins out. My wife is 60 soon to be 61. The man in his 50s who is dating a woman in her 20s the couple that I mentioned earlier is not wealthy. He manages to support himself solely as a dance instructor without having a day job largely by living a very frugal lifestyle. I suspect that his girlfriend earns at least as much as he does. Years ago Evan discussed what makes a man attractive to women: This man epitomizes that concept. He gave up a more lucrative career to become a full-time dance instructor. Some hot men will marry non-fertile women. Have you heard of an actor named Hugh Jackman? He was previously named the sexiest man alive by People magazine. His wife is 59. They have two children … both adopted. And quite frankly, how many women would accept such a man as a potential suitor unless they have something else they have passionately in common, like dancing, perhaps? How many never-married men in their 40s consciously choose to be childless? Only one percent of married couples had a 20 year age difference in 2013. And that number dropped to 0. Certainly if two people meet IRL and become attracted, age often becomes meaningless. Objective evidence say otherwise. I was clearly supporting myself at a decent wage during an economic downturn. For the women I met in real life, my job was never an impediment. Which is a more efficient and effective use of her time? If you look at the filters set by people in their 40s, 50s and 60s, most of the women want to date a man their age or younger. Most of the men want to date someone younger. Using those filters, they mutually exclude each other. For younger or very attractive people, filtering may reduce the hundreds of potential dates to a smaller, more manageable number. For older or less desirable people, filtering usually takes them from a small number of people to none. One of those groups gains efficiency by filtering, the other group loses efficiency. However, unlike most people, I eventually dated rather fearlessly. So when I realized one week that I could either date a woman 16 years older than me that week, or not date at all that week, I decided to make a pass at the older woman. Either it would go nowhere, or I would have a less boring week. How hard is it for someone to look at their inbox and make the same decision? In my case I have no intention of getting married again, state this up front, and routinely date women 10-15 years younger than myself. He sounds like a lousy boyfriend, and it sounds like a lousy relationship. If you break up with him, then continue to hang around with him as a friend, then you get to enjoy his outgoing, gregarious personality, while still having the opportunity to go out and find someone better. Then you can enjoy the sex and his personality … without being tied to a commitment with a lousy boyfriend. I understand why your boyfriend treats you like crap. His behavior makes sense. Yours completely baffles me. Guys now are days are a bunch of douchebags all they want is arm candy on their arm so everybody will look at them with envy. No matter how great and wilde wilder and better through the 16 years of marriage sex became , there was nothing else meaningful enough for me to stay in that relationship. It all comes down to a spiritual level that enables a unique fusion! They help me keep the faith. Points for honesty, I guess. And think a lot of things we would never do e. So what if a guy thinks it. As long as he has the self control to not say it. And the overarching theme is, they have allowed one guy to destroy their attitude for all men. Now they are no longer able to trust men in general. Why not get to know him first? Be optimistic, go out more, meet new people, smile, project positive energy and men of all ages will chase you. Glad things worked out that way. After I read the part where he said to you that you will have a hard time at 35 and it would be easy for him at 37, I was thinking of what I would say back to him. That means ALOT of men are competing for them while potentially missing out on something quite valuable. Why they would bother is beyond me, especially when many of them will be out competed and alone because they themselves wasted their good years chasing the unobtainable for most. These are men to avoid so a blessing really to be passed over by them. The man in his 50s who I mentioned earlier has an ex-girlfriend who is almost exactly 20 years older than his current girlfriend. Objectively, I would say the two women are equally attractive. Subjectively, the woman in her 40s is a little closer to my personal tastes. When I was dating in my mid-to-late 30s , I dated women ranging from their 20s to their 50s. The two hottest women were in their 30s. A couple of my dates who were in their 50s were hotter than most of my dates who were in their 20s. If a woman is in her 20s, hot, and a decent human being, she can have her choice from a large number of hot, great men in their 20s, 30s and 40s. I wanted to dump the most attractive woman I ever dated halfway through our first date. We had already run out of things we could talk about. Lori, 13 I have never dated an age group. I dated an attorney 3 years my senior but ended the relationship after 1 year because of his drinking problem. Soon after I dated a neuro-surgeon 4 years my senior. The chemistry was great but his temper and control issues were intolerable. All men I described above can get 20-something. They are all very attractive, accomplished and charming. There are good men out there who want the same thing that you want. From a purely aesthetic standpoint I think young men are more attractive, but so what? As this article is titled. I still rather date fairly closer to my age. Heck, from pure aesthetics, I think women are more attractive than men, but I am straight. Although I have to be attracted to a man to consider a relationship, Aesthetic looks are just a small part of what makes me feel attracted. In fact it is pretty hard for me to judge from a 2D picture if I will be attracted face to face. A healthy body is far more attractive than an unhealthy one. If I were a man or hell, even as a straight woman , Jennifer Aniston would catch my eye. Miley Cyrus would, too, but for a completely different reason…Boom- give me Jen over Miley ANY DAMN DAY. Doesnt mean that with a little extra work in the upkeep of your looks, any 30-40-etc-year old cant be just as, if not more, attractive. And then your personality and character will keep that person around. Evan talks about this too. Their life experiences and maturity level were just too different to mesh well. Karl R, I believe that you and your wife were both older when you met. To tell men NOT to feel this way would be akin to telling them not to breathe. I think that men are much more capable of controlling their thoughts than we like to think they are. For sure, there are a lot of older men who indulge in lustful fantasies about young girls. Put into other words, this article basically suggests that there are many men who would assign value to a woman based on how much lust she is able to engender in them. Thinking critically, why should I care if there are men who would prefer to lust after a 20 year old instead of see the beauty in all women? That has no bearing on my ability to find the love I want and need. Are you saying men with daughters should stop fantasizing about what they find physically beautiful women in their early 20s? Have you checked out some stats on Justin Bieber, Twilight etc fan demographics? Would CNN other media outlets be as kind? I speak as someone who battles a constant shopping addiction. None of it was ever ENOUGH. Even if you can have what you desire, is it really going to help you? As I review last year, it was the time I spent with family that was the most precious. Loving, stable, consistent, trustworthy people. I think the boys in twilight are fit in the same way that a racehorse is, very nice but a different species, nothing to do with me! It would be stupid of me to actually make having one my goal. Instead, they need to find ways to start thinking of girls as if they were their daughters. That would help to free them from succumbing to the temptation to view them solely as potential sexual partners. That would benefit the women who certainly deserve better than to be viewed that way, and it would free up men to truly love and respect women as a gender instead of viewing them as sexual beings first and people second. I think if women were as brutally honest as men seem to be, they would also admit to wanting the 30 year old. There are other factors more important than looks, but to be honest, men are at their best at 30. I think its funny but our children find him an embarassment. I am now 54 and very happily married to a 49 year old, who is not at all bothered that I am 5 years older than him. If someone was looking over my shoulder while I was browsing the real estate section online, they might notice that I spend a a lot of time looking at the half a million dollar homes. If they were privvy to my salary, they would also know that I could never buy one, even if I had been saving up since I was 5 years old. Next shocking news story — under age drinking on college campuses. The second: a minority of the 40- and 50-something men do chase the much-younger women and maybe even some will find true love with them. I need a man who can keep up with me. Also, my older daughter is 23, married and I have 2 two grandbabies, so I do not date anyone I could have parented. Men my age look OLD to me. They want to CUDDLE and TALK: UGH!!! I am the stereotypical blond hair, blue eyes, toned hourglass figure, take good care of myself and am a FREAK in the bedroom. No hot 50 year old men? Are you kidding me? When I was in Korea I saw mothers in their 40s who had perfect bodies, flawless skin, and perfect faces. It says a lot about their character. Any one of these women would pull the hottest, 20 something dudes without a blink of the eye. Anyone of these women would have 20 something year old men bowing down and worshipping them and go to any expense to wife them and have them on their are arm as the trophy wife. In America there are plenty of 40+ year old women who are just millions of times more sexier than 20 somethings. That overrides any age difference and all I see is woman. M got my attention and got me to read the comment. At 30, and being male, I admit — despite what data might want to suggest — that I prefer a woman around 30. What more needs to be said? Who takes the time to think about it even? So the only advice I can give to women is, when you meet that person, feel sorry for them and move on. Single moms on dating websites, easiest pussy ever. Anything good you hear might as well be a paid advertisement. Try playing any online video game, and watch how every fan RAGES they all make good points over how HORRIBLE that matchmaking system is every game, probably every match, trust me. But, but… they use all the numbers and statistics to make the best possible matches on all the data they were given… how could it POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Might as well be paying a god damn fortune teller to find you love, fucking seriously. View More Comments: 1 ….